Find Harmony with Music School Management Software
As the official gymnastics software partner of Gymnastics Ontario, Gymnastics BC, Alberta Gymnastics Federation, Manitoba Gymnastics Association, Gymnastics Nova Scotia, and Gymnastics Newfoundland and Labrador, we understand what makes a gymnastics club truly successful. Uplifter’s gymnastics class management software streamlines your club management from gymnast registration all the way through to skills evaluation.

Cultivate A Passion for Music
Set individual performance goals for your music students and track their progress. Complete skills evaluations in real-time and produce digital online report cards to empower students with a sense of achievement. At home, parents can view their children’s musical accomplishments, alongside weekly schedules, on their child's private participant profile.

Music School Software That Keeps Parents Updated
Uplifter empowers you with granular tools to manage your students, parents, volunteers and instructors. Easily post music school news, edit your website, and send emails to specific classes or individual students. Whether you want to streamline administrative communications or empower a volunteer to update your website, the Uplifter platform has the capability, and our support team is always ready to help.