Reducing Registration Administration from 10 Hours to 10 Minutes

Using Uplifter for online registration

About Lethbridge Track and Field Club
The Situation

The Solution
Lethbridge Track and Field Club is now engaging their membership with Uplifter’s all-in-one website, online registration and targeted email tools. The benefits of this solution have resulted in immediate cost savings,
“Already we are saving money by using Uplifter as our online registration as well as our website provider because we were able to cancel our previous website maintenance contract,”
Amanda explains.
Of course, consolidating and reducing costs is always an advantage but when it comes to the long-term growth of a club, customer happiness is a big factor. For Lethbridge Track and Field, their improved registration has been very well received,
“in just the few months we’ve been using Uplifter I have already received many happy emails from our members saying how easy registration was and how thankful they are that our club has improved this process.”
Positive reviews like these can translate into longer athlete retention and more word-of-mouth recommendations which can both bolster club membership.
On the operations side, Uplifter’s built-in automation has translated into significant time savings for Amanda and her team. Prior to using Uplifter, the club was hosting in person registration and only accepting cash or cheques that had to be deposited. Now, Uplifter has reduced the time it takes to run registration by 98%! Amanda summarizes these savings by explaining,
“our entire registration used to take 10 hours to setup, run and deposit registration fees. Now it takes 10 minutes.”
These time savings completely eliminate the need for volunteers to run registration which means that volunteer time can now be saved for tasks and events that require the soft skills of in-person volunteers.
Another added bonus of automating online registration at Lethbridge Track and Field Club has been financial reporting. It’s now easy for the club to generate reports and keep track of club financials. This not only simplifies operations, it also arms Lethbridge Track and Field with important data and financial management capabilities that can be easily adopted by new volunteers. “With everything in one place it is all very easy to maintain,” Amanda explains.
After running their first registration with Uplifter, Amanda already envisions growth for the club thanks to their new user-friendly software,
“I definitely can see our registration numbers increasing. It is an easy system to use and convenient,”
she says. In the past, the club found themselves missing out on some athletes because they’d already registered for other sports, now with a quick registration that can be launched in minutes, Lethbridge Track and Field can open registration whenever it’s best for potential members.
In turn, Lethbridge Track and Field Club has enjoyed increases in customer satisfaction along with impressive time savings and cost savings. But above all else Amanda and her team know that with Uplifter, they’ve found a software partner that’s here to support the continued growth and success of their club.
Favourite Features
Payment installments:
Prospective athletes are no longer limited by single lump sum payments. By splitting registration fees into smaller, more manageable payments, Payment Installments give Lethbridge Track and Field Club the flexibility to easily cater to more athletes from diverse financial backgrounds.
Class Lists:
Uplifter’s class lists can adapt to the changing needs of Lethbridge Track and Field Club. This means administrators can add additional fields to their class lists for easy digital attendance and contact tracing.
Email tools:
Thanks to Uplifter’s built-in email tools, Lethbridge Track and Field Club can quickly connect and respond to their membership. They can also proactively email updates to individuals, specific classes or their entire club!