Online Camp Waivers

Campers playing jump rope.

How Digital Camp Waivers Can Streamline Your Operations

It’s easy to bring your camp waivers and policies online. Using Uplifter, your waivers and policies can be a seamless part of registration. They can be presented as part of the checkout process, as part of invoicing, or even on your camper’s first login.

Logging in to sign a digital camp waiver.

Wherever you want your waivers to appear, it’s easy to present and collect your waivers online. With Uplifter’s self-serve family accounts, parents can quickly view a date-stamped version of the all the waivers they’ve accepted, directly on their account. These archived copies save the exact wording and exact time the waiver was signed, for future reference.

Most importantly, these waivers are automatically presented and collected digitally so your admin staff doesn’t have to spend time canvasing your membership with a clipboard and paper version of your waivers.

Creating an Online Camp Waiver

Creating a camp waiver or policy is a fast and easy process. Just click “New Policy”, fill in the information as desired, add your text and any relevant places for initials and signature details. Then click “Create New Policy.” It’s that simple.

Create a new online digital camp waiver.

Now let’s take a look at some enhanced waiver and policy capabilities that can empower and protect your business.

Note: Uplifter always advises seeking legal counsel when writing a waiver or policy.

Enhancing Risk Management Practices

Your online waivers can be uniquely customized to reflect your camp’s needs. If you want to draw attention to an important sub-section, use Uplifter to add a place for campers to initial. That way, you can ensure that your campers (or their parent/guardian) have taken the time to review important information in more detail.

For campers that are under the age of majority, Uplifter’s online camp waivers allow campers to quickly email waivers to their parent or guardian. From there, it’s easy for parents or guardians to digitally sign and grant consent.

Of course, Uplifter can also automatically distribute an updated version of a policy that your membership has previously accepted and require them to review and sign again. This allows your organization to ensure the latest version of your policies or waivers are quickly presented to your camp members.

Online Camp Waiver Acceptance Duration

In some instances, a policy or waiver may be time sensitive. Time sensitive waivers may address a changing health landscape, a changing activity landscape or changing weekly camp themes.

Thankfully, it’s easy to set specific durations for your waivers and policies. This means it’s easy to create a waiver that expires after one day, one week, or more.

Setting how long your online camp waiver will be effective.

Daily or weekly waivers can be particularly helpful for staff or campers that are required to understand and agree to specific health or code of conduct policies on a rolling basis.

For those camps that prefer to create a singular liability waiver and update it less frequently, Uplifter can automatically present that updated version to existing campers to ensure the newest version of your waiver has been seen and accepted by everyone that it applies to.

Visibility Controls for Digital Camp Waivers

Don’t slow down your registration or waiver acceptance processes. Show each camper or guardian a customized and relevant waiver.

Using Uplifter, you can break your waiver or policy into sections. Then, you can add an age restriction for each section.

This means that a camper under the age of majority won’t have to read a waiver or code of conduct that includes sections for parents and guardians. This will allow more campers to easily read and understand important information about your camp and its operations.

Note: When creating your policy, just click the preview button and enter the participant or parent age to see how the document will look for each type of user.

Online Camp Waivers Customized to Each Individual Camper

To further customize your waivers, you can add replacement tags that automatically input key information. For example: if you use the (participant_name) tag, it will automatically be replaced by the name of the participant who is actually filling out the waiver.

This can help create a stronger waiver or policy that is more specific to the person who accepts it.

Note: There are numerous replacement tags that can help you customize more than just a name. These tags can include the parent/guardian’s address, city, telephone number, and more.

Reporting on Camp Waiver Data

It’s important to understand exactly who has reviewed and accepted your waivers. That’s why Uplifter provides your camp with three different types of reports to get the waiver data you need.

The online camp waiver report gives you a quick glance at who has accepted your waivers, when they accepted and more.

First, The Policies Report can be found on the Reports page. It offers insights into the variations and instances of your policies. This report informs you about which policies and waivers are active and notes the content of their description in raw HTML format.

The Policies Report provides admins with the ability to quickly ensure the right waivers and policies are live and gives a historical look at past policies. It can be particularly useful for tracking waiver changes over time.

Next, The Policies – Member Agreement Invoice report can also be found on the Reports page. This report offers insights into which of your campers have accepted a policy and when this occurred.

Lastly, for instances where you wish to review only a small group of campers, you can review their acceptance of policies via the invoice edit/view page. This can be accessed via Accounting > Invoices > Edit or View. The policies from their invoice will be noted at the bottom.

Note: Using Uplifter, it’s easy to make waivers and policies required during the camp registration process. This ensures that all campers have reviewed and agreed to your waivers and policies before joining your camp.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What are online waivers?

Online waivers are enhanced digital versions of paper waivers. Online camp waivers allow your camp to instantly store signed waivers or policies that are date-stamped at the exact moment of agreement. These documents can be found on private family accounts and private participant profiles so that relevant parties can view a copy. They also come with numerous advanced features that allow your camp to set waiver durations, waiver locations, and more. These settings allow you to control where and when a waiver is seen.

Can waivers be signed electronically?

Yes. Waivers can be signed and initialed electronically. If you want, you can even digitally sign by choosing a cursive font and typing your name.

What is the purpose of a waiver?

The purpose of a waiver is to inform campers of potential risks involved in activities practiced at your camp, or in conjunction with your camp, and protect your camp from liability. There are numerous variations of waivers and policies that are presented for specific purposes. It is always highly recommended to seek legal counsel when creating a waiver or policy for your business.

What does having a waiver mean?

Having a waiver means that your camp has a legal document that informs campers of potential risks while protecting your business from liability. It is very common for camps to have waivers and it is always highly recommended to seek legal counsel when creating a waiver or policy for your business. Businesses often require that campers have their waiver completed before participating in any camp activities.


About Jackie Kwan and Uplifter

Jackie Kwan built Uplifter to help streamline registration and administrative tasks for her daughter's sports club in 2011. Today, Uplifter supports millions of participants at camps, clubs, schools and studios across the globe. We know how important it is to get waivers right for your camp. That's why we built advanced functionality into our waiver and policy tools. If you'd like to learn more, please feel free to schedule a demo below.

Learn how to create an online waiver for your camp!

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